
Posthumous papers bequeathed to the honourabe, the East India Company, and printed by order of the Government of Bengal

nam a22 7a 4500
241014b1848 ii d00 0 tam d
_ _ |a 46539
_ _ |a IN-ChTVA |d IN-ChTVA
0 _ |a Griffith, William
0 0 |a Posthumous papers bequeathed to the honourabe, the East India Company, and printed by order of the Government of Bengal :|b1 intinerary notes of plants collected in the Khasyan and Bootan mountains, 1837-38, in Affghanisthan and neighbouring countries. 1839 to 1841. |c by the late William Griffith ; arranged by John M'clelland |n Vol. 2
_ _ |a Calcutta |b J. F. Bellamy |c 1848
_ _ |a lxiii, 435 p.
_ _ |a In English
_ 0 |a Science
0 _ |a Botanical garden, Afghanistan, Botany
_ _ |8 தமிழ் இணையக் கல்விக்கழகம் |8 tamiḻ iṇaiyak kalvikkaḻakam
_ _ |a TVA_BOK_0046539
அரிய நூல்கள் - Rare books
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